What is human design? And how can it help my career?
Human Design is known as the science of differentiation. What that really means, is that it celebrates everyone’s differences, rather than tries to make everyone the same.
There are billions of potential combinations of centres, gates and lines. It means when we layer that up to a human design blueprint, that everyone is completely unique energetically, and the more we can understand our uniqueness, the more authentic & powerful our workplaces, careers and businesses become.
Using Human Design in Business and Career
Human Design takes the teachings of the chinese i-ching, astrology, kaballah and the chakra system to build a picture of our energetic cicruitary. And from there, we can understand how and why everyone is different on the inside, not just on the outside. It builds an understanding of why;
some people are more sensitive or avoidant than others
some people are better at processing information than others
some people are better at public speaking than others
some people have better instinctual reactions than others
some people seem to be quicker or have more motivation
And so on, and so forth…
And this is SO valiable when it comes to our career, our business or our workforce.
Instead of trying to force people to be someone they’re not, we can see them and support them and guide them, and we can do that for each other too. Seeing the differences in each other and guiding each other to the right places and environments for them.
Human Design in business and careers helps us to understand ourselves. From this deep understanding we can build alignment in our work, and when each person steps into their authenticity, that’s when we see changes in fulfilment, peace, contentment and productivity. But it needs people to be themselves, not contorting themselves to fit a box of expectation…
So… if you want to build a career or business that’s more authentic, aligned and stands the test of time… get onboard the Human Design train and let us help you!