Best Career for a Reflector in Human Design

You’ve discovered you’re a reflector in Human Design. A Chameleon, here to mirror society, and give us all some much needed direction. A community orientated soul with incredible wisdom running through every cell in your body. Well… how does that translate? How might you use that information to help create a career where you feel more inspired, rather than disappointed all the time? By highlighting the strengths of the Reflector in Human Design, we can begin to understand what career might be most suitable. And how you might begin to use your Reflector magic to get there…

Strengths: Mirror, fluid, connected to nature and rhythm, knowledgable.

You are the rarest breed of energy types on this planet, making up just 1% of the global population. High five!

You are a chameleon, and actually, you have the ability to step into any role you wish to. This might feel overwhelming. So, the best advice for Chameleons, is to curate your network and environment carefully. Through this curation, you will naturally find where you should be and your true self will shine through.

Try not to make live more difficult than it needs to be, as you are here to flow through careers to shine a light on where improvements are needed. Resist the natural struggle and urge to get involved in everything, and allow yourself to naturally gravitate towards the things that really inspire and interest you. What are those things?

With a limited amount of energetic resources, much like the Trailblazer and Wisdom Keeper types, you will need to find or create a job that gives you a level of freedom to be able to work in a pattern or rhythm that suits you, not just suits the business if you are being employed. This is where you will really shine.

Specific jobs for Chameleons include: analysts, coaching or consulting roles, artist or designer roles, or organisational roles, for example event planners. Really any position though where you're going to be inspired. The inspiration is the key. You can do any job you want to, as long as it inspires you daily.

Famous Reflectors include Jurgen Klopp, Sandra Bullock and Margaret Atwood.

Journal Prompts

  • What do you see in society that needs changing?

  • Who or what is your community, who do you care about?

  • What inspires you to learn more about?

  • What disappoints you, about your job, or about people?

  • How can you create or work a job that includes more inspiration than disappointment?

Download your full Human Design Careers Chart here… and grab the 60+ page personalised report for just £25… your manual to help you confidently navigate your career and align to more satisfaction in your work life.


What is human design? And how can it help my career?


Best Career for a Projector in Human Design